Yang Xian (杨宪)

Yang Xian (杨宪)
Governor Of Yangzhou
Reign 1368 - 1370
Chief Of Grand Secretariat
Reign 1370 (about six month)
Full name
Family name: Yang (杨)
Given name: Xian (宪)
House Ming Dynasty
Born 1330
Died 1370

Yang Xian (杨宪) (1330–1370) was Governor of Yangzhou (1368–1370) City and later become Chief of Central Secretariat (1370) of Ming Dynasty during the reign of Hongwu Emperor.



Yang Xian was born in Taiyuan, Shaanxi province on 1330. He was a scholar from Hanlin Academy and disciples of famous Liu Ji. He serve as the eight rank officials at early Ming Dynasty.


Governor of Yangzhou

In 1368, the first year of Ming Dynasty, Hongwu Emperor launch a northern inspection, he was accompany by Liu Ji and Yang Xian. When they reached Yangzhou, the Emperor see Yangzhou was in ruins as result of long term war during the transition from Yuan Dynasty to Ming Dynasty. Liu ji recommended Yang Xian to Hongwu, saying that Yang Xian was the right person to rebuilt Yangzhou city. The emperor was agreed and appointed Yang Xian as Governor of Yangzhou and promoted him to the third rank Officials. Yang Xian refused the third rank officials promotion and promise to rebuilt Yangzhou prosperity in five years as eight rank officials. Hongwu was very pleased and then return with capital with Liu Ji.

Yang Xian first act is to rebuilt the farm land. He order all officials and citizens have to cooperate to plants including himself. Every officials in Yangzhou have their own square of farm land to plants. Two years later, Yangzhou farm land was really rebuilt and the economy climate is growing rapidly. Thousand of people which was flee from Yangzhou at war period was returned. A large amount of Yangzhou yields was sent to Ming's capital as taxes. Soon this news reached the Emperor, Hongwu was very pleased and issue an edict to recall Yang Xian back to capital.

Chief of Grand Secretariat

In 1370, Yang Xian back to capital with couple of half metre rice plants, saying that it was from his own farming land. Hongwu was very pleased, then promoted Yang Xian as third rank officials and appointed him as Chief Of Grand Secretariat. From now on, Yang Xian is the most favourite officials of Hongwu. As Chief of Grand Secretariat, Yang Xian become rivals with Prime Minister Li Shanchang and his assistant Hu Weiyong. He avoided advice from his master, Liu Ji which saying that as officials must act according to the Dynasty rule and do not seek problem with other officials.

Yang Xian become different personality since he become Emperor's trusted man. He was arrogant and looked down on other senior officials such as Hu Weiyong and Lu Chang. Lu Chang received a report saying that Yang Xian, as Yangzhou Governor was corrupted, using the tax money to buy grains and rice to please the Emperor. One day, Lu Chang suggested several names to chosen as new Officials, but Yang Xian removed all the names and replaced them with his own relatives and family members. Lu Chang was blown up and involved in argument with Yang Xian. Lu Chang accuse Yang Xian is plotting to build his own power in the Dynasty. Yang Xian then plan to eliminated Lu Chang, he and some officials were plotting to slander Lu Chang.

The next day on daily meeting with the Emperor, some officials report to The Emperor that Lu Chang was a corrupted officials, funds from Imperial treasury were used for Lu Chang's own property. Another official saying that Lu Chang was still loyal to previous Yuan Dynasty since he keep some gift from Yuan's Emperor even the Dynasty itself had fallen. Hongwu Emperor was upset, removing Lu Chang from his post, exiled to northern border and will not be used as officials again.

Er Hu, Chief of Palace Bodyguard received report from one official, saying that one day before Yang Xian and Lu Chang were involved in serious debate. On the way to northern border, bodyguards which escort Lu Chang was given order to kill Lu Chang. Er Hu succeeded to prevent this since he had suspicion there is something wrong. The escorting bodyguard was arrested and being investigated, they admitted that the one who ordered them to kill Lu Chang was Chief of Grand Secretariat, Yang Xian. Er Hu reported this case to the Emperor but Hongwu didn't believe it. Hu Weiyong who was Yang Xian's rivals found another proof that previous Yangzhou farm land was not rebuilt well. Officials Li Jin which originally from Yangzhou reported that Yang Xian was cruel Governor and did not hesitate to torture or kill citizens to reach his object. Provincial Secretary, Lu Mingyi reported that the "half metre rice plant" was not from Yang Xian farm land but it was bought from western traders with price "15 Liang" and then the traders were killed by Yang Xian.


All Yang Xian's crimes can be proved, officials previously do not dare to report because Yang Xian was the favourite official of Hongwu Emperor. Later Hongwu Emperor ordered to arrested Yang Xian and being investigate. Yang Xian admitted to all his crimes and begged for his life but the emperor did not grant him parole. Hongwu ordered Yang Xian to be tied up to five ox and then pulled together until his body was ripped into five pieces. Yang Xian died instantly, he was only 40 years old.


See also